It's the second semester of your senior year and you're annoyed. You're fed up with your mom's friends asking if you've made your decision yet. You're sick of the emails saying "It's not too late!" You're seriously done with your friends who won't shut up about the futon they just bought and how cool their "froomie" is. But most of all, you're irritated with yourself because you haven't made a decision yet- the decision on where you're going to college.
It's okay. Cut yourself a break. It's a big, expensive, life changing decision. Don't make up your mind right now just because you feel like you have to. Some of the happiest people that I know on campus are the people who didn't decide until April of senior year.
It took me a while to decide where I wanted to plant myself for these next few years. I didn't know what to look for in a college or even what I really wanted. I didn't have a major I was set on. I got about the same amount of money everywhere I applied to, so financial reasons weren't a big deciding factor. I didn't care to move too far or stay too close. So what was my deciding factor?
I went where I felt the most comfortable. I went where I felt like I could enjoy myself on campus every single day. I went where the people were the friendliest on my tour and where people seemed the happiest in their environment. After realizing where I felt most at home, everything else fell into place. I fell in love with certain classes that led me to pick a major. I met people who loved it here for the same reasons that I do, and I fell in love with these people just the same.
So if you're like me and you just can't make up your mind, here's my advice-
Go home. Go somewhere that you'll miss when you're back with your family. Go somewhere where you'll text your friends and say, "I just wanna go home :(" (referring to your college) when you're not there. Go where you can't plant yourself and watch yourself grow.