I just want to get straight to the point here. I know some of you read the headline of this article and thought, "Relatable." This article is for you.
I look at the freshman who are now about to be sophomores, and honestly I envy them. I miss my freshman year of college when I could skip class and go to Target with my best friends (sorry mom and dad) or push my homework off until the last minute (for example writing a paper the day it's due and sliding it under the professors door after class). I miss not knowing what I wanted to do with my life and having it be okay because I was young and living a life full of bliss.
Now my life is still pretty dang wonderful. I recently learned how to ride a motorcycle and I'm about to learn how to wakeboard. I like to think I'm a little badass. I'm happy with what's going on now and I'm excited for the future. But now isn't the future, and what I do now determines my future.
When I was a freshman I didn't have to worry about having picked the right major. Now I have picked a major that I absolutely love and I am finishing up my classes to complete my degree. I love Journalism and I know I chose the right major... but now I have to choose things that lead me to the right future.
I'll admit I've been slacking. Life is so confusing sometimes and it gets hard to focus on what you need to do versus what you want to do. When people ask me what I want to do after college my mind draws a blank. After college? You mean I'm about to graduate? You mean I only register for classes one more time? Excuse me but... WHAT!?
When I say my mind draws a blank I mean it. Yes, you can look at the About Me pages on my blog and website and see what I have written about what I want to do when I graduate, but the truth is I'm still confused about life and I don't know exactly what I want to do with my degree.
I envy those who go into college knowing what they want to do and stick with it, but I do in fact love the path my college career has taken me on. I know I love writing and I know I love well-known magazines. I would love to be a writer for a huge magazine and work my way up to owning it. I have found a passion in the advertising world (I mean, c'mon I cried when I saw the ads in Times Square), so I would love to do something related to advertising. I have also found a love for PR (which is something I thought I would never be into) and I think event planning could be fun. So how do I incorporate all this into a career? How do I make money from what I love?
I could have chosen to be a nurse and make lots of money. I could have chosen to major in marketing and work in the business world. But that's not me. I never wanted the career that made the most money, I have always wanted the career that made me the most happy.
And that, I believe, is why I am so confused.
I applaud all the nurses and business men and women. The world needs you guys who are so passionate about those things. I applaud the teachers and psychology majors who are so passionate about teaching and helping others. I applaud every career choice out there and every reason you chose to do it. I applaud all my friends who I see finally living the life they worked for. However, I am surrounded by people who are confusing me; people who have it all together.
I'm about to be a senior in college and I don't have it all together. I'm adventurous and always have been and I choose to do so with my major. I like taking risks and living on the edge. But is it time to get farther away from the edge?
Am I just not in the right place for the degree I choose? Like, how can I not be in the right place when I have the best professors in the WORLD!? Why do I keep questioning myself.
Here is what I am going to keep telling myself when I get confused about life and graduating college in a year (and I want for you to feel the same):
You are 21, and are going to be turning 22 your senior year. That is young. That is blissful. That is beautiful and amazing. 22 years on this Earth and I have a degree I love. I have my whole life to find the perfect job and to do all I want to accomplish. I have my whole life to become the person I want to be.
So what if younger people are more ahead than me. That is their life and I am proud of them. But I am proud of myself. I am proud of what I accomplished my freshman year of college, despite the insanely lengthy transferring process of going from Nebraska Wesleyan to Creighton. I am proud of what I accomplished my sophomore year of college, despite all of the literally crazy and insane and most random things that happened to me. I am proud of what I accomplished my junior year of college, even though I lost it there for a second when I couldn't get the internship I wanted.
Hi, I'm Hannah Wilson and I'm coming at you, world. I've faced the odds and I'm ready for whatever it takes to get me to where I want to be.
I am about to be a senior in college and it's okay that I am still confused about life.