Sadly, the holidays have come and gone. Having nothing to do but sleeping in and binge-watching Netflix are slowly coming to an end, and in just a couple of weeks we will be back at school for second semester. Here is how this semester is going to go, as told by the Kardashians.
The holidays are over and you are super giddy to return back to your college town.
Not only are you back in your college town, but you are reunited with your best friends.
But then you soon realize you are here for school, and your first class is an 8 a.m. on Monday.
Syllabus Week begins and you just glare at all the work you are going to have to do this semester...
.... and this drives you to get excited for the first Thursday of the semester.
As the semester continues to drag on, making it to your 8 a.m. becomes more and more difficult.
But now its time for spring break!...
...and then you return to find finals week approaching.
You soon start to regret not going to your classes and wish you would have spent your nights studying.
But it is time to hit the books and ace your classes.
You walk into your finals feeling completely confident...
...and soon after lose all confidence, and wait to see your final grades.
But come to find out all your studying paid off, and you remind yourself to attend all your 8 a.m. classes next semester.
It's time to say goodbye to your college friends and finalize plans for visits during the summer.
And your summer has officially begun, with three relaxing months of having fun in the sun!