April is crunch-time to pick up those fallen grades, hang out with all of your friends, day drink to celebrate nice weather, and time to struggle through finals. Here's the end of the semester as told by the one and only Joey Tribbiani, played by Matt LeBlanc.
1. March Madness
March Madness seeps into the end of the semester and is one of the best parts of Spring. But we all know the pain of having a not-so-perfect bracket, especially when every game is an upset.
2. Magical study sessions
That moment you realize your study habits aren't exactly the best. To keep your GPA somewhat decent, you gotta do what you gotta do.
3. Spending as much time with your friends as possible
Since all your friends basically live 2,000+ miles from you over the summer, you'll find anything to keep you occupied and having fun while you still can. You won't see them for three months and you'll miss them as soon as you're apart.
4. "Finals are coming up"
When professors begin to explain that classes are almost over and finals begin next week, but you haven't even thought about studying — let alone opening your textbook so far this semester.
5. Saving laundry for mom to do
When you've run out of quarters but you're going home the following week, you just throw on anything you can find.
6. Best and the worst of the cafeteria
Since the 'caf isn't going to have anyone to feed over the summer, they pull leftovers from the back of the freezers for the last few weeks. The worst and best food will be coming out, but mainly the worst. On the bright side, it will make home-cooked food taste so much better than you remembered.
7. Forgetting assignments
The moment you think you have a grip on everything in your life. You're relaxing and start your day-drinking, but then you remember that assignment that was due at midnight the night before.
8. Handing in the worst test you've ever taken
Handing in your final, knowing that your professor is going to question how you even made it to finals week. You might as well apologize for making him/her read your attempt to just "wing it".
9. That surprising grade
When you're packing up your dorm and about to head home when Blackboard gives you a notification that your "Final exam grade has been updated". You ended up doing better on that final than you expected. There HAS to be a typo.
Since the month of April is the beginning of the end, work and study hard! It'll all pay off in the end when you get that diploma in one to three more years!