The First Month Of The Semester Told By 'The Great British Baking Show' | The Odyssey Online
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The First Month Of The Semester Told By 'The Great British Baking Show'

"I know what I'm doing but I don't necessarily know why I'm doing it." -Ali

The First Month Of The Semester Told By 'The Great British Baking Show'

The beginning of the semester is a stressful time. A new schedule, new professors, and new course make the whole process painful. Some start off with a huge amount of optimism, enough to make some envious, while others start fearful and stressed. No matter which one you are, once you get to a certain point you automatically become stressed and maybe even fearful. That being said, here are 15 feelings and situations I'm sure we can all relate to the first month of the semester.

1. When you think this semester shows promise

If Only

2. But then you realize

*Scary music playing*

3. So you say a prayer

I just want to survive

4. Yet you still freak out EVERYDAY

Stress sweat is real

5. When you briefly feel like you are doing fine, but feel the stress looming

I know it ahead, I just don't know where

6. And you hit the point where you'll take what you can get

C's get degrees

7. When you have your first breakdown

I've got a mental breakdown scheduled at 5pm, so I may be late to dinner

8. And you go a bit insane

The inner crazy emerges

9. Even lose it


10. So you indulge

Comfort food, please?

11. And doubt yourself

That darn voice

12. So you give yourself a pep talk


13. Your friends support you through it

They get it

14. And the process pretty much continues all semester

Just keep swimming

15. Until Finals

Oh Shit....

Good Luck Everyone!

Good luck everyone!

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