This is the point of the semester when we really have to look for *motivation* to give to our classes (a nice word for it). What better to inspire us then the 2 things that make life worth living: The Office and Puppies. Instead of procrastinating, take a few minutes to indulge and inspire yourself with the beauty and humor of life.
1. Your teacher just moved your test that you didn't study for to next week. It's time to celebrate right. (Let's face it though, you probably still won't study for it)
2. When your last class on a Friday gets out. I see you running toward that afternoon nap.
3. Going from Sunday into Monday got you feeling like...
4. You've had a long day, week, month, and semester... and all you want is a cuddle buddy.
5. When you realize you don't have a summer job in line and may have to take an extra semester to finish your classes. The worst part about that is you still have to tell your parents.
6. You realize the whole class is confused about a lecture... and decide to go to your professor's office hours to get some extra pointers.
7. You actually go to your professor's office hours, but you still have no idea what's going on.
8. You have an 88 in a class and you're trying really hard to get that A. So close... yet so far away.
9. Just thinking about the person that ruined the class curve that stopped you from getting an A.
10. This is how you will feel after your last final and the semester is over.
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