The start of the new semester is much like the start of the new year —you tell yourself you're going to start working out more but never actually do.
But in all seriousness, both a new semester and a new year present you with new opportunities, and a chance to get a "fresh start." As cliche as that sounds (which is a lot), I really mean that sincerely. New times bring change that you can choose to take full advantage of. Like many people out there, I'm a huge fan of the oldest self-inspiring phrase in the book: "New year, new me." I'm also a fan of making promises for bettering myself that I never end up keeping. Like every other year, I have already sworn to myself that this one will be different. The difference is that this year I will actually mean it.
In lieu of the new school year recently having began, I took the liberty of organizing all those positive ideas I'm sure you have into a comprehensive list. Now, let's not let this one sit untouched like our Summer Bucket Lists did.
1. Put yourself out there.
Fairly self-explanatory. Whether you accomplish this by joining new clubs, trying out for club sports teams, or just going the extra mile to make friends with that nice girl who sits next to you in Calculus, it doesn't matter. So long as you at least try to broaden your horizons and meet some new people.
2. Try out for something.
Going along with the overall theme of putting yourself out there, I challenge you to take the leap forward and try out for a sport, or interview for a club, on campus. Though you may prove unsuccessful in your efforts, all that matters is that you made the effort. Also, you'll never find yourself asking, "What if I went out for (insert club here)?"
3. Make new friends.
I probably sound like a mom sending her middle schooler off to their first day of classes, but this is an important item on the list. There's a whole campus waiting for you to introduce yourself- what are you waiting for?
4. Really, actually try to be healthy.
Whether this means going to the gym five times a week, or reducing late night snacking to once a week, make a real sincere effort to be healthy. Your body will thank you.
5. Go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Because nothing good ever happens after 3 a.m.
6. Improve those awful time management skills.
You're a college kid, therefore you most likely struggle with the idea and practice of time management. Make this the semester where that changes.
7. Maintain a positive attitude.
Of course you're allowed to be stressed out as much as you want (what do you mean all three of my final papers are due on the same day?) but don't transfer that stress into having a negative attitude.
8. Make an effort to get to know the people in your hall.
You are going to be stuck with them an entire year, might as well acquaint yourselves.
9. Enjoy yourself.
College can be a very stressful time, but it's also supposed to one of the greatest experiences of our lives. Let's keep that in mind and not let ridiculous amounts of work and papers stop us from having a good time. Remember: work hard, play harder.
And finally...
10. Make the most of your college experience.
You only get one college experience; let's make it a great one.