I thought that my first semester of my freshman year of college was the biggest transition that I was ever going to go through but as it turns out, I was wrong. The real transition is the second semester: it all starts to get a little more real.
One of the biggest changes for second semester is the fact that Greek Life is coming into play. For girls specifically, second semester brings over one hundred new friends, a new group to be a part of, and a complete whirlwind.
You suddenly become a part of something that is so much bigger than you and is able to expose you to people you didn't even know existed and a feeling of being at home that maybe was just a little hard to find over the course of the first semester.
Now on top of getting back into the swing of school and having to start all new classes, you also are going to mixers and events every weekend and trying endlessly to match faces and names of the people that you are spending the next three years with.
Second semester is also the time where academically you are going to be able to really step up from high school work to college work. Here at Wake we are not strangers to a very heavy workload, but now that we know how rigorous and challenging the courses are, it is time to buckle down.
These second-semester classes are also going to be playing a big role in leaning towards and a majoring and eventually figuring out what you want to do in the future.
It has only been about a week and classes are not quite yet in full swing, but I already can see that this semester is going to be a balancing act. I thought that the challenging part was over but it turns out that it has only just begun.