Almost done. The final stretch. The semester is nearing its end and everyone is already so over it. Now is the time when people debate on who has a worse end of the semester.
“I have to stay until Tuesday at three for my last final.”
“Yeah, well, I’m here until Wednesday at noon!”
“You guys have it easy. My last final is at five on Wednesday.”
I’ve never understood why people feel the need to compete about who has it worse? (By the way, if you were wondering, I have three essays to do by the middle of the week. I only wish I just had to study for a final!)
Regardless of how the end of the semester looks for you, it is super stressful! Anyone who is chomping at the bit (rather, their finger nails) for winter break will be able to relate to these 11 GIFs that perfectly describe the end of the semester!
When Someone Says They Have No Finals
You know there is at least one person that you know who has no finals. They don’t have final projects, they don’t have finals, and they don’t have to stay for finals week! Who are their professors because mine aren’t about to let me off without a ten page paper…
When You Tell Them You Have A Few Finals
I might not have actual finals during finals week, but I am totally stressing about these papers. Others, however, are bogged down with finals. Some people only have one final (on the last day of finals week. Why won’t you move your final!? WHY?). Others have one for every single class they’re in (and some people are in five or six classes!). Needless to say, those of us who have work to do certainly do not like those of you who do not have work to do.
When You Still Have Essays To Write
You’ve waited all semester to start your research for your term paper, but now it is the end of the semester and the deadline is quickly approaching. You had ALL SEMESTER! You’ve got much to do and little time to do it. Get crackin’!
When You Finally Finish The Essay
You started your essay earlier. Congrats. You’re done. Now, reward yourself with a nice, cold drink (or some McDonald’s, I don’t judge). But, you’re probably not done with the semester, so make that celebration short and get back to work.
When You Procrastinate Studying…
It is so easy to get distracted anymore. As I write this article, I have my phone dinging next to me indicating I have messages and I have a YouTube video pulled up and ready to play. Technology, you’re killin’ my grades. You’re not going to learn that osmosis is a process by which molecules of solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one by watching cat videos online! Though, apparently you will by reading my articles.
… So You Seek Out A Tutor
You’re panicking that you won’t learn everything in time, so you seek out a tutor, last minute. As a tutor, I can tell you that you’re going to have a tough time finding a tutor that will not only help you this late in the game, but also does not hate your existence. You should have gotten yourself a tutor well before the last week of classes. You’re probably out of luck, friend.
When You’re Pulling Late Night Study Sessions…
So, you couldn’t get a tutor, but you’ve got to learn this stuff somehow. That means staying up late. And how do we stay up late? Coffee! Lots and lots of coffee. Hm… I wonder how much time you’re wasting getting or making coffee when you should be studying…
… So You Wish You Could Memorize The Book Through Osmosis
See what I did there? *wink*
When Finals Week Is Actually Here…
Finals week is literal Hell. And Dean should know! He’s seen Hell! (Watch Supernatural if you don’t get it. Just maybe wait to watch until after finals.)
… But You’re Ready
The worst is over. You’ve studied hard. The tough battle is already won. The worst of it is over. That is, unless you have testing anxiety. If that’s the case, good luck.
When You Finally Make It Through All Of Your Finals
You did it. You didn’t think you’d make it through finals, but here you are, victorious. Now you vow to make sure not to procrastinate again next semester like you did this semester, but you know very well that you will.
Bogged down with essays or buried in books studying, I wish everyone luck for the end of the semester! Argue in the comments about who has the worst work/study load and share this article so that someone else may also procrastinate on their work!