So for those that are currently in college, you are soon about to undergo a very stressful time. This stressful time being finals. We all dread them but do we really dread them without listening to relatable music that applies to taking our finals? I think the answer is no. Here are some relatable lyrics from the queen of pop herself, Taylor Swift.
1. The truth is, it's just easier to ignore it
Yes, it quite, in fact, is easier to ignore that finals are coming up. But unforch, if we do ignore the final itself then... yeah not a good idea.
2. But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time.
The stage of when you are confident going into the exam. You know everything about all the films you've seen in film class or all about the content you learned about in World History.
3. You should think about the consequence
But then there's always the consequence if you don't do well on the exam, then you are kind of screwed. Because your grade will drop and your GPA will be lower. So you will want to exclude yourself from the situation
4. Cause we break down a little
Everone has a break down at some point during finals, am I not right? I mean cmon, be honest with yourself a little...
5. I'm doin' better than I ever was
This is how we are going to feel after we walk out of our final. You know the same exact moves, haha gotta love her moves!