As we are dealing with mental breakdowns, finals galore and crying... okay maybe not the crying for the most part, its good to take a breather and remember what you have accomplished so far this semester.
I am a freshmen in college, and I cannot believe it is almost Christmas break and our second semester. I am still in shocked that I have made it this far. Lately, I have been trying to channel some positive energy while stressing about life in general. Finals are here and its crazy on campus. We all need to remember we can do this!
If you are feeling very depressed or overly stressed, take a break and breathe. It is going to be okay. When you come back from break, which is almost a whole month long (THANK GOD), you will have a better insight on college and can transition smoothly to next semester.
Going home is going to be awkward for all of us, especially if you are use to staying for a whole weekend then coming back to school. Make sure when you do go home, appreciate the time you have and spend it with those you love. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Do not get arrested, please!
Spend time with family members you have not seen in a long time or take a bath since you cannot back at school (unless you have a suite style, you're very lucky). Overall enjoy the quality time you have at home and make time for yourself. When we get back, we will only have five months until summer! YOU GOT THIS!