As my very first semester of college comes to an end, I find myself looking back over the past few months and wondering how time went by so fast. Don't get me wrong: the last two weeks have felt like an eternity's worth of time, between studying, finals, breakdowns and more studying, but overall, it's flew by. It's been an emotional rollercoaster that has left me sick to my stomach, wanting more and begging to get off all at the same time.
I've spent nights swearing up and down that I am going to drop out, but chose to set my alarm clock for my 9 a.m. class the next day anyway. I've walked to class in the snow and wind just to find out it was canceled ten minutes before hand. I've spent long nights writing papers that received B's and C's anyway, despite the hours of sleep I chose to miss, just to make it perfect. I have found myself missing my family, my friends and soft toilet paper more than once during the journey.
I have listened to neighbors blast music at 1 in the morning, on a Tuesday night, for no reason, other than to blast music at 1 in the morning, on a Tuesday night. I have witnessed girls using all the mirrors in the bathroom on Thursday nights, because "Thirsty Thursday" is a thing now. I have sat through floor meetings where all the "dirt" and "drama" is exposed, and you find some interesting things out about the people you share your new home with.
I have spent hours binge watching Netflix shows despite the piles of homework I should have been doing instead. I have went through packages of Top Ramen, (the chicken kind, because what other kind is there) bottles of water, tons of candy, and hundreds of cotton swabs. I have learned how to eat many meals alone: sadly, and how to make new friends despite missing my old ones. I've learned how to correctly shove clothes into a drawer, and how to have the best movie nights possible with my roommates.
I have played past childhood games, despite being an "official adult" alongside my "official adult" friends, and have had sing-alongs to musicals. I have seen my fair share of cute college boys, and have realized that college can change a person, and it won't always be for the best. I have experienced college first hand and can say that it is everything and nothing like I thought it would be at the same time.
However, despite all the crazy adventures and memories that I have managed to make, I find myself looking forward to a well needed break. I look forward to home cooked meals, nights with old friends, watching t.v. shows with family members and spending the holidays with some of my favorite people of all.
Yet, I can't help but look forward to returning to this crazy place we call college, and experiencing it all over again for another semester.