Life (noun): the existence of an individual human being or animal.
There are times in life when everything seems to go perfectly: you and your friends find yourselves laughing over the memories that you share. The relationship between you and your family seems stronger than ever. You're loving your job and feel so motivated to get work done every day. Waking up is easy, and you always tend to hop right out of bed. The days are sunny and bright, the person in line before you pays for your coffee, and it truly seems that, for once, the world is at peace.
And then there are times in life when everything seems to go wrong. Both your friends and family seem to be mad at you for something that you just can't figure out. You feel alone and almost feel like a stranger to yourself. Work is now a hassle, and to make things worse, your car won't start when you're already running late. The sky is covered with a blanket of clouds, you spill your coffee when you're taking a sharp turn, and truly, it seems that the world is against you.
Sometimes life is great, but other times, it just isn't all that easy. No matter what, remember that you're doing OK. You're doing the best you can. Whether nailing a job interview or just getting out of bed is your biggest accomplishment of the day, be proud of yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile. You're doing the best you can. Some days, life will drag you down, but you fight through those days until the time comes when life picks you right back up. Though it may seem like it, life isn't easy for anyone. Each and every one of us is fighting a battle of our own, and in all honesty, it's exhausting. With each passing day, no matter how tired you get, never give up. You can do it.
Just take a look at how far you've come. You've already conquered some of life's biggest challenges, from learning to walk when you were two, to the brave day where you took that diaper off and never put it back on, to riding a bike without training wheels -- and now look at you. You've really come a long way. That's something to be proud of.
It's easy to get caught up in the craziness that life throws at you, but never forget to appreciate the experiences that you've had and the ones that are yet to come.