There are those who are burdened with selfless behavior. Then, there are those who never sacrifice for others and only seek to benefit their own well-being. The gap between the two fills with envy, weakness, and not to mention egotistical mannerisms (maniacs)... okay, maybe "maniac" is pushing it, but you get my point. Our minds dismiss the possibilities of balance.
There is a fine line that sets us apart from reaching equilibrium. Have you ever heard the saying, "too much can be a bad thing"? Well, in both a selfless and selfish manifestation, this rings true.
You need to be selfless less.
Don't get me wrong, being selfless is a highly respected quality. However, too much can drain you. I should know, as I am speaking from personal experience.
I have always possessed the mindset of "Yes." "No" wasn't even a part of my dictionary. I suppose this is due to how I was raised. I was to follow a specific set of values and morals, which fostered respect and an altruistic outlook.
This included paying for meals, aiding with projects, even just simply listening. Before I knew what was happening to me, it was too late. I had reached my breaking point. Then came the aftershock.
I had been so caught up in helping others achieve, that I failed to see the impact it was having on my mind and body. I was withering into nothing. Every time I thought about it, I always pictured this:
Imagine standing in the center of all those you hold close. Imagine they are taking straws and pushing them into your body. They begin to suck every last ounce of energy you are so willing to give. You cannot fill yourself as fast as you are draining.
This is where you should consider a selfish approach. Learn to love yourself. Learn to say no. Fill yourself up again.
Something is selfish-seeming here...
Selfishness and self-centered-ness can be viewed as the same. However, being selfish isn't always a bad thing. Though, self-centeredness can be very irritating. Those who are defined as self-centered fail to feel a love and appreciation for the joy and happiness of others.
They are only in it for themselves.
This is where I went wrong. Because of my selfless behavior, I felt guilty to even consider an egocentric mindset. However, focusing on your own happiness should come first. You are living YOUR life. You have to be happy. Happiness is your reason.
Osmosis of a sort?
You have to equalize yourself. Like I said earlier, there is a fine line between what we are and what we should be. If you are too selfless, go out and do something that makes ONLY YOU happy. If you are too selfish, get involved in the community, do something for your family, or your best friend.
Find the balance in your life.