As children, we are taught that being selfish is wrong. We should always share with others and never hoard things to ourselves. We should think and care about other people. Oh, and always share our toys on the playground. However, life is not always a playground. Sometimes selfishness is required to maintain our personal happiness.
Sometimes we have to be selfish and make decisions for ourselves and no one else.
Let's face it, no one knows more about your inner feelings than yourself. No one can read your mind and tell you exactly how you feel about the options laid before you. Yes, people can give you advice and aid you in making a decision. But why should we let people make our decisions for us? Why should we force ourselves to do something to make others happy if we aren't really happy ourselves? You can't give all of your efforts or do things to the best of your ability if you aren't happy and comfortable with your current state.
We should make decisions that we think will be the best choice for us and allow us to become a better version of ourselves. Sometimes we won't have all the answers, and we'll have to seek help. Sometimes we'll make the wrong decision and make our situations worse. If this happens, don't feel obligated to keep living an unhappy life and/or dealing with that wrong decision you made.
If you're unhappy with your life, change it.
As humans, we are all naturally selfish people, yet we suppress that emotion because we care and love for others. It's wonderful that we care and love for others, but we shouldn't keep living an unhappy life just because we know that our loved ones would prefer it that way. You should never settle for living a mediocre life. I challenge you to be selfish and put yourself first. Take care of your emotional, mental, and physical state for you. This way you can be a better friend, sister, brother, wife, cousin, mother, etc. After all, if you're selfish enough to make the right decisions for you, you'll have more passion for life. You'll be able to show more love and passion to the ones you care for.