The hardest part of myself to love has always been my tummy. It's obviously not flat, and even when I lose weight my stomach still stays the same proportions. My thighs are my favorite part of my body, they're filled with muscle, so they're big. I love my curves, they're so beautiful. This week I decided to highlight my least favorite part of myself to try and love it the way I love every other part of my body.
Day one:
Wearing my roommate's crop top because I love my roommate and I love crop tops. The tattoo on my stomach is probably my favorite tattoo. I got it just before my 19th birthday, on the day before Warped Tour (yeah, I'm that emo). I wanted to get this particular design for a long time before I decided where to put it on my body. After thinking about it for a while, I decided my stomach was the best place for it to go. Since I love wearing crop tops and showing off my belly, I wanted people to look there. I also thought it would be a cute conversation starter; a fun way to spark up conversation at a family party.
Day two:
My dad was really annoyed when I cropped this shirt because it's a Rocky Horror Picture Show shirt. I got it for $3 at Peter Harris Clothes by my school, and I hate long shirts. Also, these jeans are super cute but they look terrible on me because they're two sizes too big for me. Like always, my tummy was looking cute in this picture even if I wasn't, so there's always that to hold on to.
Day three:
I stole my entire outfit here. The shirt came from my best friend (love you, Court) and the shorts came from my cousin (shout out to you too, Kayla). I keep showing more and more of my stomach as this goes on. I really do love my body the way that it is, and if I were looking at myself–not as myself–I would think I'm beautiful, and that I have a great body. I hate to think that way– I need to love every inch of my body, mind, and soul.
Day four:
Representing SUNY New Paltz, my home. My mom got me these sweats. I love my mom, and I love my pants. I haven't worn sweats out of the house since Freshman year of high school out of fear that people would think I'm dirty and that I didn't try. Things have changed in college; I'm worrying less about what other people think of me, and more about how I view myself. It's a great feeling to not worry about others' opinions.
Day five:
You can't really see much of my belly here, but this was not a great day. I went to an appointment, and since I don't have a car on campus, I had to walk there for half an hour in the rain. It was the worst experience. A truck passed by and soaked me, but I still thought I looked good that day.
Day six:
Day seven:
The last of this week. My suitemate Ginger is such a cutie! We both love our tummies, and so should those of you who read this!