There are many different reasons as to why someone chooses to write. It can be an outlet for their emotions, it can be that writing acts as a third party for them that listens, it can be that it is the only way that they feel they can be who they truly are. Everyone has their own reason for writing, and no one needs to explain their reason. The reason I write is because I feel as though what is in my head never makes it out of my mouth. I write because the words that are written or typed with my hand are my own. The words that come out of my mouth often don't feel like my own. They feel as though someone has come inside my body and started speaking for me. It doesn't even sound like my voice to me half of the time. Maybe it's because for so long I have lived inside my head. I've gotten comfortable with just myself knowing exactly what I wanted and needed to say. But when I write I don't need my mouth, I don't need people, I don't need anything. I just need my thoughts and either pen and paper or a computer. I write because what I want to say and how I feel bleeds right on to the paper. There is no middle man, it’s just me.
I write to be heard. I write on this platform so that I can be heard. I write because I have things to say. I write because I want to be loud. I write because I feel like I can make a difference. I write to inform. I write to talk. I write because that’s what makes me happy. I write to leave artifacts of myself.
I found a way to make my words and thoughts feel like my own to me; and if you haven’t found that for yourself, you should. There’s nothing wrong with not having anything figured out now, but it’s such a free feeling. No matter what your outlet is, if it helps you express who you are, don’t be apologetic for it. If you haven’t found your outlet then try out new things. Try, try again. If you feel like you are expressing yourself by just being alive every day, then good for you!
We are all different and the world is just now kinda sorta embracing that. We’ve come a very long way from where we used to be. As time goes on the world is becoming more accepting, but that’s because of the people in it. We are the people in it. It’s up to us to make each other feel comfortable being who we are. It’s up to us to help those around us in their journeys as well as embracing our own. We all need to coexist, whether that’s by just existing, whether it’s by people writing, acting, dancing. We have to love ourselves and other people. If the world was more loving I may still write, but I may not have started writing because the words didn’t feel like my own or if I had felt heard. But the bottom line is I feel heard now. And you’re heard too.