Have you ever sat on your phone, curious about what you did wrong? Did you do something wrong?
Let me tell you, you are totally overthinking it. He is probably just busy. But if someone truly cares for you they will make time for you. They will go the extra mile to ask you how your day is. They will text or call saying they miss you. They will make plans with you even if that means sitting in silence while doing homework. If they do not make time for you, they don't really care and that is something you need to accept. They might care, and probably do, but you deserve more, you deserve better, you deserve someone who will go to the ends of the earth for you.
Saying goodbye to a boy or a significant other that you can not imagine your life without can be one of the hardest struggles to go through, but I am here to tell you that you are more than that, you have more worth being yourself and being on your own than thinking a boy defines you or that being in a relationship will give you more "worth." It won't.
Being a woman in society today can be challenging feeling as you need to live up to societies stereotypes and expectations, especially to feel like you fit in and that is how you get someone to like you. But the person who is meant to be with you, they will love you undoubtedly for who you are, not who you want to be or the false image of who you are pretending to be and live up to.
Boys have too much control over our minds and end up consuming our thoughts until it is all we think about. We give them to much power over us and it is time to take that power back. What we — what women — should be thinking about ourselves and what we can do to be happy and our best versions in our lifetime.
DO what makes you happy.
DO what makes you feel empowered.
It's time to be who we have always meant to be and show men and others that we are not controlled by them and that we are, indeed, a force to be reckoned with.