Just to let you know, I've been there. I know how you feel.
Wishing that for once in my life I could conform to what everyone else was doing, and just be normal.
Everyone has found themselves looking around thinking, "you know if I could just nod my head and smile for once, instead of being so opinionated, maybe I wouldn't be so frustrated all the time." With that annoying little voice in their head questioning every move they make because no one else seems to be doing the same thing.
Then those people try over and over again to do what they think they're supposed to be doing. They'll go to college right after high school even though they may have no idea what they want to do. They'll get a job that pays well but they're miserable. They'll get married and have kids by a certain age, but all they wanted to do was travel. Then they'll look back in fifty years with regret and think "wow if only I stopped trying to be like everyone else."
Just to let you know, there's no such thing as being normal.
And that "guideline" you think you're supposed to be following is a bunch of BS.
Every time you look around and feel out of place because you want to go do something that not everyone else around you is doing, APPLAUD YOURSELF AND GO DO IT!
If you have no interest in going back to school after high school but all your other classmates are going to college, doesn't mean you have to go too.
If you want to travel and explore the world, but your family keeps reminding you that job offer won't stand forever, go make the most out of your life you can always find another job.
If you want to start up your own business, but everyone keeps telling you how hard it is, you'll never know until you try.
Sorry but you're never going to be like everyone else. You're going to be you. So embrace what makes you happy because the sooner you start doing that you'll realize being like everyone else is boring anyways.