Everyone talks about this thing called "self love." You hear things like 'you need to love yourself first,' 'taking time for yourself is so important,' and 'don't forget about self care.' But that is all easier said than done. Of course we all want to treat our minds and bodies right, but what if you don't know how? So here is a beginner's guide to self love:
1. Do something you love every day!
Sometimes when we are stressed or overwhelmed we think we don't have time to watch that funny video or spend time with a friend. But there is always time for mental breaks! So have a 10 minute dance party in your room, play your favorite video game, bake cookies with your roommate, do a full face of make up just for fun, go on a run, go out to eat, take a trip to a pet store-if you love it, just do it! You wont regret it and you'll thank yourself later!
2. Eat a whole pizza yourself, but don't forget about fruits and veggies!
Everyone knows food can make you feel better. So yes, of course you should eat food you love! But be sure to make room for the foods that are good for your body, too! Self love should make you feel good mentally and physically!
3. Sleep!
I'd say more, but that's pretty self explanatory.
4. Surround yourself with supportive people!
Do your friends make you feel like a burden, make everything a competition, make you insecure, or distract you from things that are important to you? DROP THEM! They are not helping you grow as a person and they do not have your best interest in mind. Your friends should lift you up, cheer you on, help you when needed, and want to see you happy and successful. Having better friends will change a lot, I promise!
Parks and Rec fan or not, everyone has heard this! And it's pretty easy to do. Find something you wouldn't normally splurge and freakin' splurge! Buy that make up palette, pick out a new outfit, get those new shoes, go to Target and go wild, get those floor seats to a game, and enjoy! Don't go crazy and break the bank, but give yourself the treat you deserve from time to time!
6. Practice time management!
Binge watching 7 episodes straight on Netflix is definitely a form of self love. But choosing to watch Netflix instead of doing your homework, cleaning your room, folding laundry, studying, or working will only make you mad at yourself later on. Try to be as productive as possible for at least a couple of hours and then reward yourself with some episodes, a movie, or a much needed social media break. You'll make your To-Do list smaller and get some self love in there as well!
7. BOGO!
Buy one, get one! But I'm not talking about shopping. I feel that one of the most important parts of self love is truly loving who you are. So whenever you criticize yourself, pick out your flaws, point out your mistakes, and let your insecurities eat you alive-give yourself a compliment too(or instead!) Being confident in yourself and loving yourself are not easy things to do. So instead of trying to wipe out the negative thoughts completely, try adding in some positive ones here and there and see where that takes you!
No one knows how to love you better than yourself! I encourage you all to at least do one of the items on this list and see how your life changes. Treat your mind and body right and everything else will follow! Good luck!