"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths." -Etty Hillesum
Since beginning my college years, I quickly learned that my responsibilities have rapidly increased. It's safe to say, and I have particularly felt this more as I grow older, that life is not going to slow down for anyone or anything. Between going to class, work, studying and doing assignments, trying my best to not be sleep deprived, and simply trying to keep up with what is going on in the social realm and the world around me, I barely have time for myself. With all of this combined, I oftentimes feel as though I'm going 100 miles an hour, and before I know it, the days, weeks, and semesters have passed me by and I'm baffled at where the time went.
Among the chaos of life, it is so easy to lose yourself. It is easy to lose yourself in the sense of lacking internal contentment, and losing touch with what makes you personally happy that you can be in control over. It is too easy to overload yourself with obligations; places to be, people to see, and lists to get done by a deadline. Eventually, this kind of overload leads to stress, exhaustion, and the deprivation of your well-being. Many feel as though their obligations cannot be avoided, but it is essentially important to create time to relax. It is time to practice self love, and it is definitely time to put yourself first.
It is dangerous to neglect your own happiness by allowing your liabilities and stress to overpower you. Such deprivation and chronic stress may lead to a variety of mental and physical health issues, including (but not limited to) depression and anxiety, problems sleeping and maintaining weight, and increased aches and pain. These warnings are not meant to scare you, but they are certainly not something to sweep under the rug and disregard. If you are someone who fixates over your obligations and feels as though you never have time to just breathe, then it's time to make a change.
It is time to put yourself first. Put down your books, turn off your phone, and stop the constant worry. Treat yourself. Take a long bubble bath, go for a walk, meditate, or take that long-awaited, uninterrupted nap. Read that novel you never got around to, jam out to your favorite playlist, or if you would rather spend hours on the Internet scrolling through DIY or adorable animal videos, do it! Do whatever it is that makes you smile and feel at peace. Putting yourself first coincides with practicing self love, which is ultimately respecting your own satisfaction, happiness, and well-being.
Taking the time to put yourself first in these situations is not selfish, unproductive, or careless. When your to-do lists and commitments start to take over, you cannot allow your happiness and sense of stability be neglected. If you are to do anything, the least you can do for yourself is make the time to take a moment and just breathe. Breathe, and reflect on what you are doing. Like I said, the life that you know is not going to slow down or take a break for you, so you might as well make the time to enjoy it.