It's illusion versus reality. You know how they say that people are more apt to believe the insults they get called more frequently than the compliments? Unfortunately, this applies to when you speak to yourself as well. Too often, we speak more negitivity than positivity within our own heads. The bad thoughts overpower the good. They blind us eventually making them all we could see; that's why it's called darkness. It allows no light to seep it whatsoever. We could tell ourselves 99 positive thoughts then one negative thought, and we only focus on that one. The negatives seem to outshine the positive, no matter how bright.
I have complied a list of things that I have told myself that I am versus what I actually am.
Things that I have told myself I am (but actually am not).
I am weak.
I am unlovable.
I am ugly.
I am hopeless.
I am broken (the non-repairable kind).
I am worthless.
My life has no purpose.
I am replaceable.
** Things that are actually true (no matter what my mind tells me).
I am so much stronger than I could ever imagine.
I am loved.
I am beautiful.
I am hopeful (because hope truly does exist).
I am shattered (the repairable kind).
I am worth the entire galaxy and all the stars.
I was born to do magnificent things and make a difference in the world.
Without me, there would be something missing in the world that could never be replaced.
Try making a list of your own, or use this one. For every negative thought, replace it with one positive. Print it out. Tape it onto your bathroom mirror or bedroom wall. Use it as a daily reminder during the bad days. Bold the second set of phrases, circle them, underline them, type them in 20 pt. font -- anything to remind you that those are the most important. Those are the things to believe; not the bad thoughts. Remember this.