Self-love is one of the strongest traits a person can have. You're with it as a little human-being and gradually, over time, you face different milestones in your life that can alter that self-love you endured as a child. I like to believe when I look at such things around me, whereever I may be at the time. When I look, I capture. I capture memories I love, dislike, wish I could go back in time and change. But that would mean you've still left a window open, in your heart, that's allowed to break you, shape you or alter your way of thinking whenever you think of that memory.
To be able to love yourself entirely throughout this life, means you're allowed to make mistakes as a human and still love the person you are after.
If there is anything I learned growing up with a variety of meaningful and non-meaningful memories, ones I wish I could take back. It does not mean it defines you, or any action you've made, or anything that is stopping you from loving the person you are today.
It's important to be aware of the person you are today, in order to love yourself from here on. It means you can tackle anything, and allow yourself to break in difficult scenarios and not be the person you are when you're full of emotions, simply because...your self-love overcomes it all.
Your ability to acknowledge bad scenarios, and unwanted feelings gives you room and strength that you didn't ask for. To believe in yourself every day and know since you love yourself, you can never be defined by another human beings action. Whether it's a negative or positive impact on yourself, the self-love you endure and achieve more of every day is now defining the beautiful person you were set out to be. So remember, to love you because their is no one else out there who can be you and have the same mind as you. Flaunt it, own it, and believe in yourself everyday because you are worth it. 0-100, real quick folks.