I know that you all see your flaws. You just thought about some when you read that sentence. You thought about your squinty eyes, your stretch marks, your frizzy hair, your stomach, your eye color, your nose that you think is way too big... You thought about it all. And that's okay, as long as you followed up that impulse thought with a consolation of self-love and as long as you stopped the thought and told yourself that its okay to be imperfect. Being imperfect is what makes you perfect.
You're allowed to dislike things about yourself, you're human and that means you won't love everything. But you have to learn how to love the imperfections. You need to be able to see them, acknowledge them and then embrace them and love them for being there. You need to accept them. You have to accept yourself in your most vulnerable, untamed, makeup-less, hair not being done, messy form before you can reach ANY kind of happiness. Your mental health centers around your own self actualization and your self-love without you even realizing it. You can drink all the water you want, eat all the vegetables you want, work-out everyday of the week and drink every kind of protein shake known to man, but if you aren't happy with who you are and if you have poor mental health because of that, then you will still always be unhealthy. If you feel confident one day, then you automatically have a better day and if you feel a little messier and more sloppy one day then a day may turn bad a lot easier. It all starts with you. It all starts with the mind, take control.
There are so many different kinds of ways to love yourself. You could love the way your dimples show when you smile a certain way or you could love the way your hair falls when its straightened or you could love the way your skin feels after a hot shower. But you could also love the way you can read so quickly and you could love the way you can make anyone laugh when they're sad and you could love the way you take on leadership roles so easily. There are so many amazing and breathtaking things about you and once you open your eyes to them and start to become your own number 1 fan, then you truly have superpowers.
The day you look in that mirror and say to yourself, "I have parts of my body that I like less than others, but I still love myself more than anyone else will", and the day you can fully and wholeheartedly accept yourself for everything that you are... you're a superhero. You will save yourself and no one will ever be able to take the power away from you.
Its a journey, and it takes work. It takes giving yourself the most loving and patient care. But I promise you the work is worth it, it always is. Loving yourself will be your superpower, self-acceptance will make you unstoppable. Be fierce and love every beautiful thing about you; I swear it'll change your life.