Do you ever feel like you know some of your friends better than you know yourself? As extroverts, we can sometimes find ourselves at a lack when asked to talk about ourselves deeply. I could tell you a million things about my best friend, but sometimes I don't even know my own favorite color. (It used to be purple, but I'm honestly not sure anymore.) So I think that it is time that we do some self reflecting.
To be completely honest with you, this interview is as much for you as it is for me. This is my first article with the odyssey, and going forward, I want you to know me a little better than if I had started this journey with an article on the 10 best types of beef jerky. (Although, you can tell a lot about someone by their preference in dehydrated snacks.) I also would like to encourage you to ask yourself the following questions. There is always room to know yourself better. And who knows? You might learn something.
Where are you at in your life, right now?
I just graduated from Texas Tech University in December with my Bachelors in Apparel Design and a minor in Business. My current goals are to stay motivated and survive young adulthood. I am currently engaged to my high school sweetheart and boyfriend of 8 years. (Yes, I said 8) We are planning our wedding for this coming April, and that is definitely taking up a huge chunk of my time and energy. My career and my job are currently two different occupations. For money, I substitute teach for local schools. It doesn't pay great, but it is laid back and flexible enough that I can focus on my true dream, being the lead designer for my own women's clothing label.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
I am creative, extroverted, passionate, open minded, kind, and flexible, but I also find it hard to stay motivated, get bored very easily, and can come across as flighty or disorganized. I find it easy to love people, but difficult to love myself. I am confident in my abilities, but insecure about my physical appearance. I am also incapable of saying "no".
What are a few topics that you are passionate about?
The obvious answer would be fashion and design. I love to watch the seasonal shows and anticipate new trends, and I spend most of my free time sketching. I am also a huge nerd, so I like to write about books, TV, and dungeons and dragons. As a feminist, I like to bring up issues with women's equality and the role of gender in our society. (Deep, I know) I also love talking about horses, art, cooking, music, entertaining, my cats, my wedding, basically whatever I'm up to at that moment.
Where is your favorite place to travel/live?
I spent 9 weeks last summer, living in London, and it was the most amazing experience of my life. I have been to over 15 different countries so far, and I'm not sure if it was because I actually got to live there, or because it was my first real job in the fashion industry (unpaid internship, but still.), but London is currently my favorite place on earth, followed shortly by Edinburgh, Scotland.
What are your short and long term goals?
In the short term, I want to get my label off the ground, and enter my collections into local and national fashion shows. I also just want to get married already. I got engaged in July of last year, and I thought a long engagement was a good idea, but I am getting antsy. In the long term, I want to be the successful CEO of my own company and clothing line that has become a household brand. I also want to start a family. You know, some real children to torture my furry children.
What is your biggest regret?
I once hurt someone I loved, and cared for. They forgave me, but I still regret the pain I caused them. I am still trying to do everything I can to deserve their forgiveness.
What is something you are proud of?
I am proud of my ability to create. Some people can come up with ideas, but don't have the skill or knowledge to make it a reality. Other people have the skill and knowledge, but lack creativity. I am proud of my ability to realize my dreams as tangible objects.
How well do you know yourself?
I like to think I know myself better than the rest of the world. I have secrets that I keep to myself, and desires I do not share with the world. But I do not know everything there is to know about me, nor will I anytime soon. I discover new things about myself every day, and that is something I look forward to when I wake up each morning.