Most people go through life depending on certain things, people or feelings to create happiness or positivity in their lives. Although this is an easy mistake, changing our mindsets may be one of the most important things we ever do. This is because in the end, we only have ourselves. The things we do in life, our attitude and our outlook, the way we develop and grow, as well as the person we become. All things possible and generated from within.
Self fulfillment and happiness is essential for a positive life. That is why finding happiness from within, setting and achieving our aspirations, and focusing on ourselves is crucial for success. The true and most genuine type of happiness can take a strenuous amount of work, especially when things don't go as planned, or life gets hard, however, when we coach ourselves that we are most important, and do not need anybody or anything to make us happy, we have officially changed our ways. It is easy to let certain people or circumstances get us down or affect our attitudes, but if we are strong enough to make ourselves realize that we are invincible, and nothing can bring us down, then no matter what happens around us, we will not fall victim and be defeated. When we are able to achieve a certain level of gratitude, realization of our blessings, self created positivity and contentment, and no longer crave happiness from people or things outside of ourselves, we are on a path to success.
Appreciation and love for ourselves provides us with many additional traits to prepare us for a better journey. Along with generating self happiness, comes independence, success and bliss that all contribute to a self made, happy and healthy life. To embrace our blessings, opportunities and achievable greatness is essential in our quests to live the best lives we can.
Here are fifteen reasons why it is important to only depend on ourselves for happiness and fulfillment:
1. People let us down
but this will not matter, because we will not let ourselves down
2. Relationships end
but not the relationship we have with ourselves
3. Not everything works out how we want
but we will find the good in every situation
4. Life is not fair
but our attitudes will adjust
5. Things happen
but we remain hopeful
6. Life is full of ups and downs
but we work at continuous optimism
7. We will fall down
but also the first to pick ourselves up
8. Bonds will break
but not the most important one
9. The going gets tough
but we get tougher
10. Circumstances may hurt
but we are bullet proof
11. People doubt
but we prove them wrong
12. We have one life
but if we do it right, once is enough
13. Breakups happen
but we didn't depend on them in the first place
14. People come and go
but we were happy with out them, and will be happy with out them again
15. Situations try to bring us down
but we are bigger than the situation
In the end, our happiness lands on our shoulders. We are our biggest cheerleaders, and it is our responsibility to fulfill a self created happy life.