Nowadays, when people say you should be more honest, it seems like they are saying you should be "brutally" honest. That has given the term sort of an edgy tone or a derogatory connotation, when really, being honest with yourself can boost your self-esteem.
Before you go out into the world telling your boss or professor that they need to stop talking because of how tired you are, start with being honest with yourself.
To be overly philosophical, I believe people can change within the second. Whether it is laughing one moment and crying the next for no absolute reason, or getting angry waiting at the restaurant at the waiter for delaying your food, but oh-so-happy when you see him/her walking toward you with your meal.
So, while we change every moment, it makes sense to say that we are in a constant state of self-learning. While this state goes on, it is crucial to make sure you are teaching yourself the right stuff about you.
One thing for sure can disrupt this state of learning, and that is low self-esteem. When you struggle with low self-esteem, you see in other people what you do not in yourself. Their confidence and charisma, but mostly they seem to be at peace with themselves.
You see in other people everything you wish you had, and then you start to slowly mask everything you have because it is not as good as theirs. Told ya—overly philosophical, but something to think about!
Being honest with yourself would mean finding something along the way about yourself and telling that to yourself. When you find yourself being too harsh, it's about reminding yourself that you are being overly critical. That positive self-talk would be a way to keep a check on those self-sabotaging reflections.
Things like, "I am going to be honest, I enjoy listening to this kind of music whether someone considers it cool, dorky, whatever the word, that is me. I do not dress like that because that is not my style. I feel better this way."
One other thing you could focus on is an activity you enjoy. No more comparing to other activities you think you might be better off doing, just consider how great the one you're enjoying is.
Be honest about your personality.
When you start seeing yourself as this unique individual, you won't mask your personality anymore. You simply can't because by now it is what it is. And it is great!