To The Boy...
To the boy who thought I wasn't enough for him, I was more than enough. I have always been enough, and I will always be more than enough.
To the boy who said "wow I don't deserve you", yeah you didn't. But for some reason I stuck around, well for a while.
To the boy who explained I was "too much" for him, you obviously don't know how to handle someone who wanted nothing but the best for you.
To the boy who thought it was okay to tell me my beliefs in Jesus were nonsense, I pray that someday you experience the love I feel from God.
To the boy who bullied me all of elementary school for my crooked smile, someday you're going to regret all the hurtful things you said to me or called me.
To the boy who thinks it is stupid I am not interested in drugs or alcohol, please respect what I want or don't want to put in my body.
To the boy who tore my heart out, ripped it to shreds, stepped on it as if it were a piece of gum on the sidewalk, made me feel weak, insecure, and made me hate what I saw in the mirror everyday, why did you think you could do that? I have to thank you honestly, I didn't know how strong I could be until I was nothing.
To the boy who think he can play games with me, haha good joke.
To the guy that I had feelings for about two and a half years, I'm glad I got past seeing only the good in you and finally recognized the bad. Even though you are a good person, just not good for me.
To the MAN that I will marry someday, I am so excited. I apologize for the mistakes that I have made and I hope that you like a girl who speaks her mind and not one who will hold her tongue. I hope you like a woman who would rather eat brownies for dinner when it has been a rough day rather than coming home to a three course meal (and yes I expect you to eat the brownies with me).
To the girl reading this, please don't ever think you are not enough. You are beautiful, you are brilliant, you are vibrant, you are loved, you are valued, and you are accepted for the way you are right now without change. No BOY will ever be able to understand or accept you for the way you are. A MAN will do all of these things and more, and show you how to be loved because he himself will love you as God does.
To the girl reading this... You. Are. Enough.