In our society nowadays, the media puts out so many things that are "claimed" to be considered the perfect or ideal type person. Being that everyone always wants to be seen as that perfect person, people are willing to do whatever it takes to become that person. But screw that. People need to learn how to be confident with themselves, just the way they are.
I personally feel that it is very important to learn how to accept yourself for you. Yes, you can always improve upon yourself, but that doesn't mean you can't love how you are in the present. You grow as you get older, and learn more and more through many different life experiences.
These experiences are meant to teach a person about themselves, life and many other things. Along with this, the experiences are meant to build a person into a stronger, more intelligent and smarter person.
To learn self confidence, you have to understand what it is and how it works. You have to trust yourself. Self-confidence is not something we are born with. When you see your favorite celebrity in the media, and you instantly think, "I wanna be just like them," you have to understand that you have the capability of having the self-confidence they do. They may appear perfect in every way possible, but I am sure there is something that they do not like about themselves. Which leads me to another thing. Self confidence is about accepting your flaws and knowing how to work with them (or just work them).
You could spend so much time trying to figure out how to be like someone else, but don't waste the time that you have to be able to show off to the world the amazing person you are.