In the world of college, germs are just as present as impending deadlines. Finals season is approaching right in the dead cold. A deadly combination for a struggling college student. Here are a few tips, I wish someone had told me when I was allowing my body to be vulnerable to the circling germs throughout this season. So before you end up like me, take note. I'm off to rest some more and take more cold medications... oh joy. Be safe out there and protect yourself from sniffles.
1. Know when to limit yourself.
Don't push yourself and think a cold will disappear if you ignore it. Spoiler alert: it will not. It's important to remember that you cannot do everything, and you should pace yourself if you're not feeling 100%.
2. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids.
And by fluids, I mean water and Gatorade, maybe ginger ale depending on your symptoms. Water is the simplest remedy to any upcoming illness.
3. REST.
Rest is so important. Just like I said, don't overdo yourself. Make sure you take time to rest. Whether that be curled up on the couch watching tv or snuggled in bed taking a nap. Whatever will regain your strength, do it.
4. Be cautious around your friends.
You may have FOMO, like me, in which you don't want to miss out on fun times. But think of their well being as well. You don't want someone else to suffer through your sickness.
5. Know when it's time to call the doctor.
If you're anything like me, that pushes off this step, heed my warning. Some things cannot go away on their own and you'll need a specialized doctor to care for your symptoms.
6. Take it easy.
Do this before and after a cold. You don't want to prolong it or have your friends endure your fate. Take some time to make sure you are healthy.