6 Low-Cost And Free Self-Care Tips While You're Unemployed During A Pandemic | The Odyssey Online
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6 Low-Cost And Free Self-Care Tips While You're Unemployed During A Pandemic

Don't let yourself think that self-care has to be expensive.

6 Low-Cost And Free Self-Care Tips While You're Unemployed During A Pandemic
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Unemployment is hard. Needless to say, it's even worse during a global pandemic.

It's hard to do what most would do for self-care, such as get a manicure, meet up with friends or go see a movie, partly because extra funds are low and, well, because the pandemic.

Here are six ways to practice self care even during the pandemic!

1. Do the Basics

Photo by Morgan Lane on Unsplash

It seems simple, but oftentimes, during times of crisis, we forget. Make sure to get three meals a day in your system, drink your water, do some movement (even if it's a 10 minute yoga session) and make your bed. Don't assume that you'll just do it, add it all to your to-do list to ensure it gets done.

2. Head to the Library

Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

You don't necessarily have to physically go to the library these days. Many library branches have online resources that are free to access with your library card. In some places, you can also reserve books online and later pick them up at the library while socially distanced. Check out a book or two, get a movie, put your feet up and relax.

Don't have a library card? Reach out, and oftentimes, you can sign up online to get a card.

3. Go on an 'Unfollow Spree'

Photo by 7shifts on Unsplash

Depending on how many people you follow, or are friends with, this might be a timely activity. It's a freeing feeling to not have to see certain people's posts or have certain types of posts bombarded on your feed. You don't necessarily have to unfriend people. You can always mute people or unfollow them, so you still have contact with them without necessarily seeing them.

4. Solo Mini-Photo Shoot

Photo by Patricia Palma on Unsplash

You don't need much for this: a camera or a phone, a way to hold your phone up, a few outfit changes, washed and styled hair and a brightly lit place (inside or outside). Utilize the timer, and take some pictures. They can be to update your social media profile pictures, or for more professional means, like for LinkedIn, or a personal portfolio website.

5. Dollar Tree Crafting

Photo by Rebecca Grant on Unsplash

This one costs just a little, depending on what materials you may already have laying around the house or not. Pinterest is a great place to get inspiration, but just wandering around Dollar Tree can give you some great ideas. You can pull things together to make a seasonal wreath, framed placemats or even a centerpiece for the dining room table.

6. Declutter, declutter, declutter

Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash

You may have already done this at the beginning of the pandemic, but even if you have, there's always something, somewhere in the house to declutter. Through decluttering, you may even find things to use for your Dollar Tree crafting or ideas of things to do in your spare time (such as old board games, half-made lego sets etc). When you have a few boxes or bags ready for donation, double check your local donation places and donation drives to see what the procedures are before heading out.

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