I preach self-care on the regular, and for good reason, too. If it wasn’t for self-care, I would be in a bad place. Self-care is my main way of dealing with my anxiety and depression. If I have a bad day or even some extra time, I turn down last minute plans and have a self-care night. I make it a point to do this once or twice a month in order to keep my mental health in check, as well as my self-confidence. Honestly, if I could give anyone a single piece of advice, it would be to practice self-care on a semi-regular basis. These little things can make such a big difference, so here is my list of things I like to do for myself.
1. Take a Shower or Bath.
I hate feeling dirty. If I have had a bad day, or just feel kind of off, the first thing I will do is take a nice shower or bath. I make sure to be as thorough as possible to make sure I’m extra clean and relaxed. I make sure to shave and exfoliate all over, as well as double condition my hair. If I’m taking a bath, I make it super warm and play relaxing music, I’ll even use a bath bomb if I happen to have one on hand. On occasion, I have turned off all of the lights and lit candles to help desensitize myself.
2. Lotion Up.
I rarely use lotion, but when I am trying to pamper myself, I always break out my favorite body butter and go to town. Not only am I soft and moisturized after, but I smell amazing as well. Massaging sore areas during this time really helps you relax as well. This is especially helpful in the winter months.
3. Drink a Big Glass of Water.
It can be flavored! Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of that “bleh” feeling you have going on. I know if I haven’t gotten enough water, I get headaches. Make it a conscious effort to drink at the very least 16oz of water a day, if not more. I promise this is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
4. Dress Up/Down.
Wake up feeling out of it? Take the opportunity to use your wardrobe as a boost. If you normally keep it casual, put on your nice shirt and maybe do your makeup a little different. Give yourself the confidence boost you deserve, it’ll lift your spirits, too. On the flip side, if you are normally one who has to dress more formally, use this time to dress down. Put on your favorite comfy pants and old shirt and get cozy. How you dress can directly affect your mood, so pay attention.
5. Drink Tea or Coffee.
If I’m in for the night and I want to relax, I always treat myself to a nice cup of tea. There is just something about a warm, sweet, cup that makes me feel more at peace. I also love coffee, so coffee can be substituted here depending on your needs/desires. Don’t like either? Make some cocoa, but try adding cinnamon (if that’s your thing), it’s delicious.
6. Unwind with a Book or Netflix.
I love to read, but rarely have time to actually sit and read. I feel accomplished and more mentally stable after I sit and read for a little while. You can also take time to catch up on your favorite shows or re-watch your favorite movie. Sometimes what we need is to just sit and do nothing, and so this can help with that.
7. Eat Your Favorite Food.
Mine is probably chicken alfredo or pizza. Food makes us happy, so why not allow ourselves a little bit of happiness? Buy yourself that chocolate bar, order out, take yourself out to eat, whatever it is, do it. You’ll thank yourself.
For real, take a nap. If you don’t normally get enough sleep, get some sleep. Your body needs sleep to repair itself. This is the human version of “have you tried turning it off and back on again?” and it usually works. I know naps are hit-or-miss with me, but more often than not, I feel better if I take a nap. If you don’t have time for a nap, try going to sleep a little earlier than normal, or allowing yourself those extra ten minutes in the morning.
9. Spend Time with Your Best Friend.
Human or not, take time to spend with your favorite life form. I know if I’ve had a bad day, my best friend is usually there to offer a laugh, or, in the least, a hug. There are also days where I wish my dog was with me at school; there is no substitute for puppy/kitty cuddles. If you have a pet, take some time to love on them, they will appreciate it just as much as you will.
10. Meditate.
This isn’t for everyone, but if you can do it, it’s worth it. I like to meditate before bed because it makes me super relaxed and sleepy; so if I meditate in my bed right before I try to sleep, I can usually fall asleep faster and sleep more restfully. The trick to meditation is to keep your mind from wandering, which can be SO HARD if you have anxiety like me. I try to focus on my breathing as much as possible, and if my mind starts to wander, I need to get it right back on track. Try it for a few minutes at a time, but then eventually you can go for longer. This is great for relaxing or combating anxiety from daily stress.
Well, those are my tips for Self-care! I hope they were useful! If you have any other tips, or just want to share how you self-care, feel free to comment below!