Just by practicing a few minor shifts in my attitude, I've been a lot happier in my everyday life. If you have been spending every weekday waiting for the weekend, I think these tips will help you too...
1. Appreciate the ordinary
If you're like most people, you probably spend your weekdays waiting for the weekends. You might not even notice you do it, but there's always that little voice in the back of your head that says just two more days till Friday. While its human nature to want a break from working hard all week, I think it's really important to learn to enjoy the weekdays. When you think about it, the majority of our lives are made up of these ordinary days. If we can learn to appreciate them, instead of wishing them away, I think we would all enjoy life a lot more.
2. Hit the gym every now and then
I find that when I tell myself I have to go to the gym every other day for an hour, it becomes a chore and when I skip a day I feel so much guilt. Instead of doing that, I just try to go whenever I can. With this new routine, going to the gym has become a lot more enjoyable. I would definitely recommend doing the same, because it has made me feel so much better inside and out.
3. Learn to live in the present moment
This ties into #1. I have spent all of my years as a young adult striving for the next goal. First I wanted to get into a good high school, then a good college, then my first internship etc. etc. But I never really stopped to enjoy what I had achieved. I was always looking ahead. In the recent months, I learned to take a step back, and start to appreciate where I am in life. I made it to the college I wanted, and I put that first internship on my resume. Those are two big things achieved right there. So if you have the same problem where you're always looking to the future, I encourage you to slow down and enjoy where you are right now.
4. Stop being afraid to make the first move
There's a lot of women out there who wait and wait and wait for the guy to make the first move. And it's these same women who complain that all the guys who approach them are players. And they're often right. Many of the guys that are willing to confidently approach a woman are the players because guess what-- they do that a lot. The next time you're interested in someone, try taking a chance. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
5. Don’t forget that money will only buy temporary happiness
I think the biggest thing I have learned at college is the importance of studying something you actually want to do. Whatever you choose, you're probably going to end up doing it for a looooong time. What is the point of being miserable everyday for some extra cash? If you think that extra cash is going to buy you extra happiness--I don't think that's quite right. Money will buy you a little bit of happiness--but this kind of happiness is fleeting. It sounds corny, but happiness that is true and lasting always comes from within.