A lot has been going on lately: Trump tweets, work emails, group projects, class assignments, weird weather and the list could go on forever for the college student in 2018. Times like these calls for self-care because of the overwhelming amount of information and stress that builds up around us. Here are the best ways to help yourself by treating yourself.
1. Stretch it out with yoga
Yoga will help you both physically and mentally. When an hour is dedicated to focusing on breathing and stretching your entire body out, you feel entirely refreshed for the rest of the day. Doing it in a hot room is a plus. Hot yoga will release ten times the stress. Sweat that stress out!
2. Meditate the stress away
Meditating is yoga for the brain without the physical strain or sweat. Studies show that meditating an hour a day is equal to sleeping four hours! It's sleep without sleeping, how great is that!
3. Indulge with skin treatment
Indulge in taking care of your skin. There are a variety of masks, creams, and oils that you can use to treat your skin. Massaging your skin can also have great effects on your stress, face muscles, and your neck.
4. (Care)oke
Care for yourself as you sing your heart out. You can do it anywhere, whenever, with whoever, which allows you to have a lot of freedom to stress release.
5. Mini dance party
Shake it off with a dance off! You can also do this with any song and with anyone. EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
6. Write it out
Let all your emotions out in a journal or diary or even a piece of notebook paper. It doesn't need to make coherent sense, just let it all go onto paper.
7. Laugh your butt off with Key & Peele
Key & Peele are funny AF. Let yourself have a bit of a workout laughing at their ridiculous yet intuitive skits.
8. Tea party time
The GIF speaks for itself. Get yourself some tea.
9. Quick walk out
If you're feeling really overwhelmed, just leave everything and give yourself a short walk outside. A fresh of breath air should do you good.
10. Drop and clean
Feeling especially stressed? Stop and get cleaning! Cleaning can always be good for you and the room that you live in. A win-win situation. You get a clean room and you finish feeling better.
11. Window shop 'til you drop
Window shopping is the free version of retail therapy. No need to spend a cent: Looking is always free!
12. Quick and easy power nap
Power napping done right can change your life. 10-20 minutes should be an ideal power nap that should have you recharged.