Everyone wants to be successful and do well in school, but sometimes you need to take a mental health day, and that's OK.
Being a student is one of the most stressful jobs out there in my opinion. Being able to manage going to school, paying bills, buying your own groceries and gas, working, studying and having a social life is no easy task. Sometimes it is not all possible, to manage all that we have going on in our lives, and there may not seem like there are enough hours in the day.
This is when we get run down.
Getting a 4.0 is everyone's dream but is it really worth your mental health suffering. Spending hours upon hours in the library only to come home and continue studying...not having a social life because school must always come first... and living on just coffee and red bull is not healthy.
Don't neglect your mental health.
There will be days when we just feel like we need a break, but many of us do not allow ourselves to take that break. But sometimes we need to take a step back and realize that we must put ourselves first. Yes, studying is important and making school a priority is something we should all do, but staying up all night and not allowing ourselves to rest, and trying to reach the unbelievably high standards that we set for ourselves, is not OK.
Setting aside time in the day to pamper ourselves and check in with how we are doing mentally is a step we should all add to our daily routine. Allowing yourself to sit back, read a book, pick up a hobby, do a face mask, or talk to a friend or family member is something we should all incorporate into our lives.
So, a word of advice from a fellow student.
If you are tired...sleep.
If you need a break...take a break.
If you need a mental health day...take a mental health day.
It is OK.
Be kind to your body, and never let your mental health suffer just to maintain a certain GPA. Mental health is important and is sometimes neglected. So here is a reminder...your GPA is NEVER worth sacrificing your mental health.