It is no secret that self-care is important. However, it is just now becoming a fad. I think it's awesome! We are learning from others and from our experiences what we consider self-care. Is it going shopping and treating yourself to a new outfit? Or, is it taking the day and doing face masks and drinking wine? It really can be anything you feel is necessary to bring you back to a more relaxed, happy state.
Here's the tricky part, though. It's not all about the glamor of shopping or the selfie of your face mask, ultimately, it is the steps that will help make you a better version of yourself. I would love to get a massage and a pedicure and drink mimosas, but that is not what I need to bring more peace to my life. Sure that sounds nice, but for me, I need to buy colored pens, a planner, a notebook, etc, anything that will help me be more organized. My peace comes from a brain and a room that is in place and knows what I have coming up and the things that will help me be efficient and more successful. When I have that, I feel that I have taken care of myself because I've reduced future stress and can find more time to relax.
However, if a shopping spree with your girlfriends is what brings that peace to you, go for it! But, be careful not to get caught up in the selfishness of it all. Are you treating yourself or are you being gluttonous with your decisions? Do you find yourself more involved in your selfish desires than choosing what's best for you?
I'll break it down a bit more. Take food for example; you're craving a Big Mac, but you know a salad will help make healthier decisions throughout the day. If you have a Big Mac, you'll eat what you desire, but you're going to feel bloated and gross the rest of the day. Now if you have a salad, sure that's not exactly the most flavorful, but you eat it, conquer your desires, decide to go to the gym, then feel amazing afterward. Because you decided what was best for your body, regardless of your desires, created a positive chain reaction.
The same goes for self-care. Make the decision that is going to best help you make choices to better yourself and bring you more peace, even if it's not what you want at the moment. I promise you it is worth it!