This semester I feel like I’ve been pestered with questions of self-care more than ever.
Of course, this actually makes sense considering this semester I’ve really been lacking in the self-care department. I openly admit that. And I also openly admit to not use me (during this semester) as an example for modeling self-care.
I’m not happy that I don’t regularly practice self-care, or at least as often as I should. I actually went into this semester with high aspirations of what I would do and accomplish. Now, we’re at the halfway point of the semester and I’m not entirely sure I can check anything off that list. Despite all of this though, I still continually try.
So, if you’re like me, with an incredibly busy and exhausting schedule, ask yourself the following questions:
When was the last time I showered?
This is the most basic question but, honestly, one of the most important. Showers are relaxing, especially after a busy or stressful day. They also help serve their main purpose of, you know, making sure you’re clean. Days get busy, I get it, but if at the end of the week you’re going through your laundry and find you’ve only worn three pairs of underwear over a weeklong period…shower.
When was the last time I changed my clothes?
This follows on from the previous question. It’s really easy to just roll out of bed and just go to class in whatever you wore to bed. Once again, I get it. I’ve admittedly done it. On days where I only have one class and it’s somewhat warm, it’s easy to just go to class and gym shorts and worry about looking nice later. It’s easy, but don’t do it. Get a shower. Change your clothes. You’ll feel more refreshed and ready for the day.
How much sleep did I get last night? This week?
I really shouldn’t need to stress how important this is, but I will. THIS IS IMPORTANT. And once again, I’ll admit I’m a huge hypocrite when it comes to sleep. My total hours of sleep is actually pretty decent. Each night I get around the recommended eight. However, instead of going to sleep around midnight, I’ve been gradually staying up later. Several nights in a row I found myself staying up until 2 AM. Either I was doing homework or I just could not sleep. Go to sleep early and wake up early, it’ll make you feel better. Just don’t follow in my footsteps. Sleep.
When was the last time I had a decently healthy meal?
No, a bag of flaming hot Cheetos does not count as any form of healthy meal. I actually do try with this one though. With my busy schedule, I don’t always have time to sit down and just eat, but I make time. Even if I have a pile of homework to do, if I can walk to get lunch or dinner, I do. I have rice and cups of mac and cheese in my apartment, but those are more of a last resort when I don’t feel like leaving in regard to meals. Do not focus on Ramen for every meal. Also do not think that getting plates and plates of food in addition to dessert for every meal at the Commons counts.