Self care is hard when you're struggling with depression. Things as simple as taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and even eating can seem like an uphill battle. I've noticed that recently my level of self care has been low. I've been taking steps to take better care of myself, and you should too! I've had to set alarms on my phone, reminding myself to shower, reminding myself to eat, reminding myself to take my medications. Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed in the mornings, sometimes its even impossible.
For anyone who has never suffered from clinical depression, it can be hard to fathom why it may be so hard to do these simple things. But everything is difficult when there's added weight on your shoulders. Not only do I have to deal with the normal stress of being a university student, but I have to deal with mental illness. Even without the added weight of depression, it can be hard to take a break from our hectic lives and take care of ourselves like we deserve. Its important to practice good self care, and to remind ourselves that we are worth it.
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Self care is more than just remembering to take care of you physical needs. As my mom always reminds me, the most important part of self care is being kind to yourself. In this day and age we are often so hard on ourselves. Pushing ourselves to get better grades, accomplish more each day, be the best we can be. But we need to remember that we can't be at our best if we do not care for ourselves. We need to lighten up, realize that we make mistakes, and that it's okay to fail. Every so often I take time to check in with myself, ask myself how I'm doing, and reflect on everything I've accomplished so far. Focusing on the positive is the first step in being more kind to yourself. Congratulate yourself for the little victories every day. You got out of bed this morning? Good for you! You ate a healthy breakfast? Awesome! You made it to all of your classes? Go you! Reminding yourself of everything you've done right can help you to have a positive attitude throughout the day, and can make you feel good about yourself.
I encourage everyone reading this to begin practicing good self care. It can be as simple as taking a long shower to relax, or taking time out of your day to congratulate yourself for all you've accomplished. Remember to be kind to yourself this week. Take care of your body and your soul, and most importantly, love yourself. You're the only you out there, so you'd better take good care of yourself.