Self care is defined as "any necessary function which is under individual control, deliberate, and self-initiated." Regardless of how well you think you can handle the things life throws at you, it is crucial to incorporate these things into your daily routine. Whether or not you think you need it, self care is for everyone. Below is a list of my personal favorite self care tips. Enjoy & remember that it is okay to put yourself first sometimes. Your physical and mental health are incredibly important things!
Physical Self Care
These are all very important aspects of self care. When you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just hopeless, ask yourself the following questions: when was the last time you ate a meal? Had a glass of water? Slept for the full recommended 8 hours at bedtime? Went for a walk or some other physical activity? Have you changed your type of medication or dosage recently? Multivitamins? When was the last time you took deep, calming breaths? These are small steps that can help get you one step closer to feeling like the badass you are!
Emotional Self Care
- Positive self talk, positive beliefs, feeling one’s feelings, mood journal, working through grief or heartache, working with a therapist
If you’ve tried practicing physical self care without reaping any benefits, it may be a matter of emotional self care. The first and most important step to emotional self care is being kind to yourself. It is okay to stand in front of the mirror and speak affirmations over yourself such as “I will make it through this,” or “Today will be a good day.” I am a firm believer that making these statements are effective in having good days. I also want to point out that part of self care is acknowledging the things you are feelings. It is more than okay to grapple with feelings such as despair, hopelessness, sadness, shame, anger, or many more. In fact, coming to terms with these emotions are important in overcoming them. I also think it is important to reach out to others. Whether you set up an appointment with a therapist or call your best friend, it is incredibly helpful to talk to those around you about the things you are feeling. You might be surprised how relieving it can be to get these things off your chest.
Spiritual Self Care
- Prayer, meditation, spiritual community, forgiveness.
I would like to begin this section by reminding you that spiritual self care is for everyone. Whether you practice any religion or are a devoted atheist. Spiritual self care, somewhat similar to emotional self care, is another key component in taking good care of yourself. If you practice any faith, try to recall the last time you had a good prayer or meditation. If it has been a while, try to find some time to reflect, meditate, or pray. Also, do not be afraid to reach out to a spiritual community whether you are a part of it or not. Sometimes it is refreshing to pray with others, have others pray with you, or even try meditating if it is something you have never done before. Another aspect of spiritual self care is forgiveness. Holding on to bitterness or negative emotions can be much more damaging than you realize. If there is something in your life that has been bothering you -- for example, a fight with a friend or holding grudges over things beyond your control -- this may be disrupting your spiritual balance and creating issues in your life.
Lifestyle Self Care
- Routines, relaxation, setting goals, spending time in nature, making time for pleasure
Lifestyle self care, I have noticed, is what works best for me personally. I think that having a set routine each day is one of the best ways to engage in self care. With routines, you are able to plan things efficiently, it makes it harder for things to catch you off guard, and routines are very helpful in implementing self care into one’s daily routine. While relaxation is a broad term and different things are relaxing to each of us, it is important to incorporate into your routine. Whether it’s making a nice, home cooked meal, soaking in a hot bath, going for a run, or simply taking the time to watch a movie, always find time to do something that is relaxing for you. Along with relaxing, make time in your schedule to do things that bring you pleasure. This, like relaxation, is very broad and can be interpreted any way you like. Just remember that it is important and even necessary to treat yourself every once in a while.
Self Care Cheat Sheet
- Get some rest: take naps and sleep at least 8 hours.
- Fuel your body: with healthy food and water… or a piece of candy.
- Move it: go outside and stretch or go for a walk.
- Be still: reflect, meditate, or pray -- whatever works!
- Speak up: do not be afraid to reach out to friends or family to talk about things that may be bothering you.
- Treat yourself: this one is for you to decide, just do something that makes your heart happy