Every college student knows that it is absolutely normal to walk into the library at 2 a.m. and see students studying. It is also absolutely normal to see students sleeping on top of their textbooks. In fact, many would argue that it wouldn't be college without 2 a.m. study sessions in the library.
To make things worse, professors tend to schedule projects near the end of the semester. This just makes students pull more all-nighters and lose more sleep.
Some people express their frustration through jokes and sarcasm, while others break down crying. I remember last year at my school a student started shouting and crying in the library. People laughed at him, and a lot of people thought it was relatable. As I was studying for my precalculus final, I understood. Students are crumbling under the pressure of academics. It's so easy to sweep it under the rug and pretend like it's normal for college students to experience this.
Sure, it's normal in this day and age, especially in America. Overworking yourself has become a culture of sorts. You're not a real college student if you haven't spent hours studying in the library. You haven't truly experienced pain if you haven't had five large coffees in a day just to stay awake.
Don't tell me to get over it because life gets harder; I know that already.
I know that adulthood doesn't get easier. People work long hours, and there's no way to get around it. I know that college is the best time of your life, and you should spend it partying and enjoying yourself. How, though, can students truly enjoy themselves when their mental health is crumbling from the pressure? How can students develop into fully-functioning adults if they're being taught to prioritize work over health?
I have spent some late nights studying for an exam or completing an assignment. At the beginning of the semester, I made a pledge to myself to prioritize sleep over studying. I shouldn't have to spend all night working on an assignment, so I don't.
What does this mean? I don't always get as much done as I would like. However, I've found that the less time you spend freaking out over assignments and harming your health by not sleeping, the better you can focus on the task at hand. Yes, this means go to sleep and complete it in the morning.
In college and in the workforce, society has extremely high expectations. We are expected to function like a robot. We must complete everything and put our personal lives aside. We are expected to work ourselves until we literally can't anymore.
I am here to tell you that you can still be successful despite a late assignment. You can still be successful and put that homework to the side for a quick nap. You don't have to give in to the pressure to do it all. Don't let society tell you that overworking yourself and not paying attention to your needs is okay.