It’s getting to that time in the semester when things are really picking up and suddenly your planner looks like a double rainbow with all the different events and assignments. Every morning you look at your schedule and realize that you’re supposed to be at three different meetings at the same time that afternoon. Between papers, labs, rehearsals, club meetings, and like sleeping it can seem impossible to find even a few minutes for yourself. Nonetheless, self care is one of the most important things for staving off stress, sickness, and burnout. Try some of these self care activities to help you rest after a long week and be refreshed for your next meeting, class, or assignment.
Go to the movies.
There are so many good movies out right now that taking a trip to the movies with your friends, or by yourself, is a great self care option. Want to laugh for a solid two hours? Go see Bridget Jones’ Baby. Looking for some drama and suspense? Check out Sully. Need to feel like a kid again? Watch The Secret Life of Pets. It’s a simple as checking movie times and heading out the door. Escape your busy life for two hours with some great friends and a bucket of popcorn.Go shopping.
I thoroughly ascribe to the motto of treat yourself, it’s basically the entire point of self care! So, grab your purse and head into town to get yourself the newest Harry Potter book, that poster you’ve been wanting for your wall, or those cute boots you’ve been eyeing on the girl who sits next to you in English. Don’t feel like getting out of bed? That is the beauty of online shopping. Plus, it’s twice the excitement, once when you buy it and again when your package comes in.
Grab a cup of coffee with a friend.
Sometimes all you really need is a large coffee and a good friend. Head to your favorite coffee shop with a good friend and talk the afternoon away. Complain about that annoying girl in your class, gush over that cute person you see everywhere and laugh until your stomach hurts. Make sure to grab a sweet treat when you’re there, you deserve it.
Take a day trip.
Take a Saturday off and plan a fun day trip with your friends. Put on your hiking boots and go on a nice hike to let nature rejuvenate you. Go into your nearest city and spend the day exploring museums and other cultural spots. Satisfy your inner thrill seeker and head to the local amusement park for the day. Taking one day off from all the work you have to do won’t be the end of your life.Plan something fun for later in the semester.
Go out to dinner.
Do you love Cheesecake Factory? Have you been missing Taco Tuesday because you’ve got so much work to do? Take a break and fill that craving that’s been bugging you for the past few weeks. Plus, it’s nice to get away from dining hall food every once and awhile.
Clean your room.
This may sound more like a chore than self-care but your future self will definitely thank you. Take 30 minutes to an hour and just straighten up, sweep and mop, and finally do that load of laundry that’s been sitting on your floor for way longer than you’d like to admit. A clean space is a clean mind.Redecorate your dorm.
While you’re cleaning your room you might as well restyle your space as well! Put up those pictures that your friends from home printed out for you. Order some posters online to customize those white walls into a place entirely your own.