So I am up at my grandparents lake house, which we have had for more than my entire life. Up until this point, I have never really though of this place asa big deal. When I was younger I loved coming up here and would get beyond excited just thinking about coming up here. As time went on and I got older, the excitement lessened, and I almost looked at going as a burden instead of a break. This was so confusing to me when it happened. The memories I have of this place are priceless, for some reason the rush of it did fade.
The reason I am writing this now, is because I made it a goal of mine to remember why I got so excited as a kid. I did just that, I thought of going tubing, and how many different types of people I stayed with here. This was a place of magic, for some reason board games and cards and even movies could not be more fun unless they were played at the lake. This place created memories that made my childhood a blessed one. I feel lucky that I got to have such a beautiful place to go to over the summer, and sometimes other seasons. When I think about the memories I have of this place, I seem to come up with a new one every time.
I want to express how I feel about the importance of a break, or vacation. Whatever you would like to call it. This place was therapeutic and I did not even know it was therapeutic at the time. This was where I learned to connect with the outdoors, where I learned to swim so well, and where I realized the importance of waiting. It may all seem weird, but this is also where I learned that we all need to take some time just to concentrate on breathing sometimes.
I made it a promise to myself that I would make this trip about meditating, and figuring out what I want this school year to be about. I want it to be filled with excitement, and to create an environment where I feel like I am growing and prospering. This is my life, and I get to chose where I want to go, and who I want to spend it with. I have many dreams and I am using this time to create them, and to focus on myself and learning about what I need to do to get there. This may all sound kind of random, but if it were not for this vacation spot, I would not feel so confident in doing these things for myself. I have many beliefs about life, but I also need to respect others opinions about life as well, and this may be the only one I get. You can bet a lake house and a life that I will make it priceless. These feelings are coming out of me because of the time I have spent here, being with myself.