If you are like me, then sometimes your busy life can make you stressed and tired. When I am feeling particularly tired of my day to day life, I like to do some of these self-care activities.
1. On your commute to work, bump your favorite tunes.
On a good morning and if traffic is light, my morning commute is only about eight minutes long. During this time, I'll throw one of my favorite "guilty pleasure" songs and dance in my car at red lights, screaming along to the words. This helps me get pumped for my day and get out any of my pent up emotions. I always feel better afterwards.
2. Reward yourself for finishing your tasks.
Once I finish a task that I am on, I like to reward myself. Whether that is getting up and walking around the office for a few minutes or allowing myself a piece of candy for a job well done, I like to take a small break when I finish a task. Just taking time to breathe and ground myself really does wonders for my energy level and mental exhaustion.
3. Adopt a plant to take care of
Now, I'm not talking about a plant that is hard to take care of or one that takes a skill level more than beginner. Get a cactus or a succulent and keep it on your desk or in your home. Caring for something other than yourself that is easy to take care of can give you a sense of fulfillment. Me? I have four planters sitting in my window sill. I give my plants names and little personalities, and it fills me with happiness to see them grow.
4. Schedule in a specific time for you to do nothing.
If you are a schedule driven person, then schedule a specific time to have free time. I know that it sounds silly, but sometimes we are so busy that "me time" is overruled by other things. Even if it is several weeks out, schedule a time to relax, and do NOT schedule anything over it or try to cancel on yourself. Curl up on the couch with Netflix and binge a show. You deserve it.
5. Put the technology down.
Put your phone down, close your laptop, and go outside. Take the time to enjoy nature in that moment. Spend some time reminding yourself that there is more to life than work. Take a moment to be present.
6. Take care of your skin.
If you're like me, you stare at your work with your brow furrowed or with your lips pursed. Many times, I feel like I am too tired to take off my makeup before bed, but we must not do this. As you get ready for bed, make taking off your makeup and moisturizing and taking care of your skin. Dry, unhappy skin is prone to breakouts and wrinkles in the future. Plus, pampering yourself will give you a little extra pick-me-up.
7. Give meditation a try.
You could do a guided meditation on YouTube or via an app for your phone, or you can just sit in contemplative science. Let the thoughts and worries of your day come and go. It may seem like meditation takes up a lot of time, but you can meditate in any undisturbed location. For a few minutes a day, take the time to let your mind be free.
8. Set reasonable, daily goals.
For me, there is a satisfaction in crossing items off a list, even if the item is "check emails." By setting clear, daily goals, you get a sense of accomplishment when you complete your tasks. On the same note, do not let your lists overtake you. Regulate your workload, and be careful to not overload yourself.
9. Say "no" to things that you know you cannot take on.
Now, when I say this, I don't mean you should refuse to work, but maybe decline to take on extra projects when you know you cannot handle them. It is okay to ask for help. I am as stubborn as they come, but getting consistently burnt out on tasks made me reconsider. Overloading yourself is a sure-fire way to stress yourself out. Learn what you can and cannot handle.
10. Cut negativity out of your life.
For me, that is unfriending negative people on Facebook, turning off the news for a while, and avoiding toxic people. These negative things can take a toll on your energy. Surround yourself with positive, easy-going individuals that share your passions. Positivity attracts positivity.
11. Have a snuggle session.
Cuddle up with your significant other or with your animal and just enjoy the moment. There are studies that show that human contact can improve mood, so grab a blanket and turn on your favorite movie and get yo' snuggle on.
12. Don't bottle up your emotions.
Now don't go crying at work, let your emotions out in a safe and calm place. Cry, punch a pillow, just allow yourself to feel. This is really a cathartic activity, and it can keep your head on straight.
13. Break the monotony.
Do something to spice up your day that is not routine. Rearrange your office or room for a change of scenery, pack yourself a special lunch, try a new makeup trend or hairstyle. When you are constantly changing your external stimuli, your brain is learning and changing, and it can be very rewarding.
14. Do something you want to do just because you want to.
Go see a movie, cook your favorite food for dinner, visit a museum, eat sweets, shop at your favorite store, or go for a long drive. No one else can govern your life, so do what makes you happy (within reason). If you need to treat yourself after a particularly hectic time in your life, then you can absolutely do that.
15. Be good to yourself.
You are doing the best you can with the time you have. You are human. You make mistakes. It is so easy for us to be hard on ourselves, and sometimes we can get caught up in our little hiccups that we over-look the positives. Love yourself unconditionally first, then use that inner love to show compassion to others.