I stepped outside of my house and breathed in the fresh summer air. It smelled like flowers and bbq outside. The sky was beginning to transition from the hues of blue to oranges and pink. And as i sat on the steps in front of my house I felt the peace of Jesus cover my heart. My mind had just been wracked with anxiety over a situation that I felt like completely defined me.
Have you ever had those moments? Where you feel completely and utterly defined by a situation that has caused you to go into the deepest places of anxiety?
I knew in my heart that this situation did not define me, but I needed to be reminded by the one who created me that I was His, that I was okay, and that He simply loved me for being me.
So as I stared into the sky I took a deep breathe and focused my attention on the one who calls me by name and sees me as His beloved.
At that moment I was so sweetly reminded that even in my moments of stress Jesus comes down to my level and reminds me that I am known by Him.
He was in the breathtaking colors in the sky and the brush of wind. How God can be one place and everywhere at the same time? I couldn't answer that. But what I do know is that He is incredible in everything that He does and that because is my Father, I have access to Him at all times.
What a great truth this is to hold in our hearts.