You may already be infected. However, symptoms are often unrecognizable to the diseased, as its presence severely warps their sense of reality. The ventral premotor cortex gains infection, causing the processes to reconcile reality to fall short.
Severe Symptoms:
Anxiety: aNGˈzīədē/ noun A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome (Merriam-Webster).
Delusion: dəˈlo͞oZHən/ noun An idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of a greater disorder (Merriam-Webster).
Narcissism: is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water (Symington, Neville).
By disabling the Ventral Premotor Cortex, cognitive ability in recognizing the difference between reality and illusion becomes extremely difficult. Infections don't always need a physical catalyst, but simply rather only a host. A benighted environment is a breeding ground for infection. Although not a common viral infection, it shares a dominant trait of that of the flu: can be deadly, especially in high-risk groups.
In a recent 2016 study that researched various states around the nation, they found this epidemic to be severely present in 10 of our beloved states. The list is from one to 10, one being the most dangerous state that carries the disease, as I.Q. scores were the lowest: 1.3 out of a scale of 10. In all of these states, high-risk infected groups exist. The group also reviewed our nation's social media posts and found delirium to be far more present within the high-risk groups in these various states. However, high-risk infected groups can be found nationally, and are not limited to the below list. Infections in other states may be composed of individuals, rather than an army of infection.
1. Texas
2. Mississippi
3. Georgia
4. Alabama
5. North Carolina
6. Tennessee
7. Arkansas
8. Louisiana
9. Florida
10. Illinois
With profits skyrocketing from the disease and purposeful injection by our media and government, little prevention has occurred. There are multiple groups like Black Lives Matter and Jewish Voice For Peace which speak out against the disease and demand treatment. The reason for their demand?
Racism is a deeply-rooted, American disease that has been supported and encouraged by not only our media, but our government. It starts with an old traditional chant of the South: "They struggle, they scream, they mean absolutely nothing to me." The first Americans were massacred by English refugees who were escaping a totalitarian society. While slipping free from the tense grip on their throats, they birthed an even more evil society. Their arrival to the country was not met with welcoming arms, for the refugees pillaged and created the first holocaust on Native American land. After killing off about 90 percent of the Native American population, the bloodshed continued with the capture of 10.5 million slaves from Africa. Over 5 million were also slaughtered and raped during the African Slave Raid, but weren't captured. The idea of belittlement and inferiority solely due to increased melanin levels took our country by force. Slave labor was a cheap and disgustingly comfortable way to jump start the industrialization of the country and economy.
Racism was initially seen for much of profitable potential. Much like our government's current heinous and frankly disturbing donation of $4 billion to Israel annually for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. The killing of mass groups of animals has been profitable for white men for centuries. Slitting the throats of Native Americans gave the epidemic grounds to breed, which supported a financial hierarchy to this day for the cult families who are the actual founders of this country. A bullet hole in the skull of Africans was a good way to keep them silent, and continue the profit off their sweat and their overabundant amount of blood that clings to the soil. Some of the others would stay silent, the smoke and blood still leaving their brother's wound.
Killing in mass numbers on grande and north is a bit too outrageous, so let's poison their food and ensure they cannot communicate. "Cut Funding!" Four billion dollars goes a long way when trying to massacre to the extent we did in the late 1700s. Good thing the passport held up. Not to mention, slaughtering two children with one blade: Veal and Palestinian go well together. Modern-day cuisine includes the mass killing of animals, and are often fronts for political agendas while making United States citizens obese, lethargic and diseased, actually helping the pharmaceutical giants and creating a lack of mental health as well. But this is not an article of "One Million Reasons Why The USA Is Really Your Coked-Out, God-Fearing Sister," but instead a serious plea for those who are still contributing to the mass murder and holocaust of people globally to seek help and finally stop the madness. What was once just a disturbing economic and fear-based move has continued and morphed into a deeper disease of the mental health of our citizens. This mental illness, unlike schizophrenia, depression or bipolar disorder, is very likely to cause the individual to be a harm towards others and themselves.
A woman by the name of Sandra Bland lost her life due to a man suffering from the long-term effects of the disease. Brian Encinia, the diseased and mentally rotting, arrested Sandra Bland on the notion of resisting arrest to a traffic violation. However, a mere traffic violation didn't call for Sandra Bland to be arrested, but due to the sickening severe delusion, his perception of reality was severely flawed. He believed, due to his bulletproof vest and shiny badge, that his long self-driven hate was given permission to infest the bodies of others. Also, although not discussed, it's very clear that he was also ordered to arrest Sandra, considering there was no legal basis for arrest. Sandra was a member of the Black Lives Matter group, an activist, and she was extremely outspoken about the injustices being done to our Black community. Our law leaves little room for victims like Sandra to escape the armed and politically insane. Days later, she was murdered by Harry County Police officers. Her death is ignored and supported by mainstream media, as there are no pending criminal charges or investigation of the officers at Harry County.
There are no pending criminal charges or investigations currently of Israeli state officials and officers who are illegally arresting, murdering, occupying, bombing, displacing, dismembering and raping Palestinian children, women and men.
There are no pending criminal charges or investigations of our CIA's provoking manner to foreign countries that incited many wars.
There is no outcry for the animals who are raped and slaughtered for our own obese enjoyment. Cellulite and heart disease were definitely worth the rape and death of Betsy!
There is no national outcry for the millions of children and adults being harassed on our streets daily due to the color of their skin, who are often provoked by our officers, the very people who are to spread justice, are instead trigger happy to see brown flesh rip apart and tears roll steadily.
There's an epidemic. The disease is spreading. This plague not only rots the host, but has been recorded throughout history for centuries to cause death and disturbing acts of violence and force on others.
The diseased must seek treatment.