Green slowly swayed before me as I gazed upon the world. While exiting my 8:30 class I was promptly floored by the beauty surrounding me. It was in that moment that I realized I rush around too much. Being very general here but it seems I have two modes.
I seem to get caught up more in the task and the destination than in the everyday moments. I care more about getting to the place in a timely manner than what happens on the way to the place. I know this isn’t always the case but I’ve felt my attention being give over to the not life-giving moments lately.
Filled and consumed by menial little tasks I become totally distracted from the beautiful little moments in life.
Many times if I pause or when I pause in a day I’ll find that I’m functioning in realms of stress and anxiety. My mind is consumed by to do lists and obligations. Not by peace.
Even as I work on one task my mind is already pacing ahead on the next one.
Back to the nature illustration, today I was taken aback upon going outside. Everything was so washed in green, the trees, the grass, the bushes, they were all cloaked in that fresh vibrant almost glowing spring green. The type of green that is just bursting with new life and new promise. The green that has been sitting and waiting in anticipation to reveal itself to a world. Showing fresh potential and promise.
I want to live a life characterized by that shade of green. The type of green that’s been through a freeze, been through a winter, but then comes back in all of its glory a bit brighter and stronger than it was the year before. I want my life to hold that green.
I know I tend to get too caught up in busyness, I know I can become all too entangled in a web of worry. But God spoke to me through the trees today. As I was walking on a walk I’ve been on many times. A walk filled with beauty that I've failed to truly see. Today, I noticed it, I noticed Him.
In noticing it, It’s made me wonder where else in my life I’m surrounded by beauty that I’m missing because of busyness.
In the day to day hustle and bustle of life, I want to be fully engaged in the beauty surrounding me, not caught up in the constant rushing to and fro. There is beauty surrounding us at every corner, sometimes we just need to pause for a second, breathe in the air, and realize its to be found anywhere we look.