I'm spiteful against myself. I have a cycle of things I hate and fear becoming the things I desire or become indifferent to. Fear was debilitating before and was the only thing stopping me from getting what I wanted. I tread over fear with exercise. Fear was synonymous with physical exertion because when I felt as if I couldn't take it anymore, I knew I could push farther. Each step became lighter. My breath would come back to me and I knew tomorrow would get better. The storm would pass. To run is a tangible disintegration of my anxiety. I was a dressed in neon, a flag symbolizing my freedom. Now that I've overcome my fear, there is nothing I believed could stop me. Physically, obstacles always seemed abstract. To be honest, everything is abstract until it happens to you.
My friend challenged me to a bike race as I was always challenging him. We both were riding yellow bikes, that were free on campus transportation. Free meaning old. My bike didn't have a seat, but that wasn't going to stop me.
Riding as fast as I could physically go, the stars were watching me as I heard a metallic pop and I was projected into the air. Imagine a black screen in a movie where the sound and dialogue persists. Sensually, I remember my skin grinding on the road. My friends calling my name as my mind pulsed. I was dizzy even though I wasn't moving. It was as if I was waking up from a deep sleep. The first thing I could feel was the embarrassment that I
I couldn't cry because I couldn't stop the panic. I had so much I needed to do. It was a sick joke. A m
I never prepared for when something external other than my anxiety could stop me. I joked that I never believed I was human. But a part of that remained true. I never expected to have physical limitations. Even as I recovered. I remember most my panic came when I couldn't remember anything I should have been able to and when I thought about the future effects of this