There are some people who will have every bad thing to say about you, but I look past all that because I see something far greater and here is why...
1. You have a smile that is brighter than the sun.
I am starting with this because it is the first thing I fell in love with and still makes me happy. It is sweet and genuine and I have never seen one quite like it. A smile like yours can change the world some day...
2. Your heart is always in the right place.
You always think of others and try your best to help them out whenever you can. Even though things are not always done the right way, it all comes from a good place.
3. You have a great sense of humor.
Everything always has a little spin to it and it does not matter if you are talking about something sad, it always turns out to be positive in some way.
4. You do not hold judgment.
I saved the best for last because this is the most important to me. Just like I do not hold you for your flaws, you do the same for me in return. It is the most freeing feeling when someone truly accepts you for you.
While there are a million reasons to go, there are a few more to stay and I thank you for that.