Most people always see beauty within nature.
We see it in the mountains, the oceans, and the parks. Being outside allows us to feel grounded and closer to God. We see Him within the leaves of the trees and the movement of the water. We notice the natural sense of beauty our Creator has molded for us to enjoy.
In addition to nature, most people always see beauty within art.
Whether it is dance, music, writing, or photography, we see the beauty within the masterpiece. Knowing there is a deeper meaning behind the art and allows the observer to look even deeper and notice the small details that give the artwork its purpose. When we see, feel, or hear the creation of art, we notice a sense of beauty and aren’t afraid to describe it as so.
Even though we see beauty within these two types of creations, the word “beautiful” is rarely used to describe other things. Aside from describing artwork or the outdoors, it is an adjective that isn't used or thought about as often as it should be.
And even though there is beauty within the physical facets of the world, there is actually beauty within what we don't always notice.
Whether we realize it or not, we are surrounded by different levels of deeper meanings and greater purposes. And to me, that's what beauty actually is.
Since we all were created to do more than we ever could have imagined, a greater purpose lies among every single one of us. This means that true authentic beauty is part of our identity.
The amount of beauty that each individual contains within themselves is absolutely remarkable.
The growth that individuals develop from working through personal challenges is captivating. The transformation from carrying a burden to a blessing reconstructs people's perceptions and their beliefs. There is a level of artistry and exquisiteness among the difficulties and the triumphs people are faced with.
There is an incredible amount of beauty within our heart, our mind, and our spirit. Our gifts, our values, and our passions continually form allurement and allows us to become more curious and knowledgeable.
Beauty is within the actions we take and the connections we make. It is the strength we hold and the courageousness we contain.
And by embracing ourselves for who we are, we can share are beauty with others. Because of the beauty we contain within ourselves, we are able to create a world full of color, perception, and change.
Beauty doesn’t always have to be seen to be noticed. It can be a feeling, a sound, a sense of touch, a connection, a moment. There are so many beautiful, exquisite, and radiant things in the world that deserve more acknowledgment.
We need to take the time to respect what actually makes life beautiful, which includes respecting ourselves and respecting others.
We have to remember that we as individuals, among other people, places, moments, and experiences, are the true definition of beauty.
And by acknowledging the beauty we have inside of us, we will actually have the ability to notice and acknowledge the beauty we are surrounded by.