Coming back from Spring Break with nearly five weeks left of classes, the Sophomore Slump is getting real. You aren’t the fresh student on the block anymore, you aren’t the student that is frantically looking for the right buildings, and you surely aren’t the student who is cruising until graduation.
So, if you don’t fall into those three categories – who are you?
OH YEAH — the Sophomore that has her major decision, joined the sorority you’ve always dreamed of, found your favorite restaurants near campus, made your lifelong friends, AND you are going through the motions but don’t seem to feel as if you are getting anywhere.
Two more years of college stand between you and the diploma. Four more registration mornings, two more move-in days, two more formal recruitments, two more but five more last day of classes. The Sophomore Slump is legit, at least it is for me! Here are some tips to get through the last five weeks of the Sophomore Slump.
1. Make a bucket list of things to do with your friends
You have two more years of college, there is no better time than the present to make a list of wants and wishes and work towards living those dreams. Once the real world hits, coordinating everyone’s schedule will be ten times harder than it is now.
2. Explore internships and summer jobs
Yes, the dreaded summer job that no one wants to think about. But, the sayings are true. The experiences that you gain through these jobs and internships will give you connections that could possibly land you the big-kid job, after college.
3. Meet with your advisor
I know, the dreaded advisory meetings, however, these staff members of your university are trained to help guide you through your college years. If nothing else, you will feel accomplished and closer to the end of the race by chatting with your advisor!
4. Update your resume
As for me, I didn’t even have a resume until last month when I was applying for summer jobs. Use your extra time to update your resume, get involved in new organizations, attend leadership conferences to build your experiences. After all, every chance you didn’t take, is an opportunity to make yourself a better individual and professional.
5. Study abroad
I haven’t had the chance to study abroad, however, a number of my friends and peers have been able to, and I have heard so many positive things from their journeys. While you are waiting to complete your general education credits, participate in a Study Abroad Trip. Who doesn’t love to travel, especially with people who have the same interests as you??
I know that times seem annoying to say the least, but College doesn’t last forever.
Take the chances you never thought you would live every day to fullest because “you are gonna miss this, you are gonna want this back, you’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.” – Trace Adkins